Prodigy D1 Disc Distance Driver 400 Gannon Buhr
Rating: Ranking 1Ranking 2Ranking 3Ranking 4Ranking 5
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Manufacturer: Prodigy Disc Golf

Limited supply, 1 of GREEN in stock. Speed: 13 Glide: 5 Turn: 0 Fade: 4.

The Prodigy Disc D1 is a very fast, overstable driver designed for power throwers. This driver is good for all conditions and flies as well into the wind as it does with the wind. The consistent flight path of this disc makes it a favorite of disc golfers looking not only for a long flight but pinpoint accuracy. The flight path is similar 

  • Diameter: 21.1cm
  • Height: 2.0cm
  • Rim Depth: 1.2cm
  • Rim Width: 2.3cm
  • Min Weight: 170g
  • Max Weight: 174g
  • Stability: Overstable
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Prodigy D1 Disc Distance Driver 400 Gannon Buhr Reviews
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    • Reviewed By: Tom Jul 24, 2022
    • Rating: Ranking 1Ranking 2Ranking 3Ranking 4Ranking 5
    • I just got into Disc Golf! Glad to see you folks are carrying the products! From what I understand, Gannon Buhr is incredible!!
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