Latitude 64 Retro Burst Ruby Putter Disc
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Manufacturer: Latitude 64°

2 OF THE LIGHT BLUE IN STOCK. Speed: 3 Glide: 5 Turn: -3 Fade: 1

Stamp color and design will vary.

The first color listed will be the main primary color and the next color listed will be the secondary color. Please give some exceptions as the amount of color and burst in each disc will vary. For example, Blue "primary"/ Smoke "secondary".

Ruby is the putt & approach disc in our very popular Easy-to-use line. It features a small grip, low weight starting at 150g and a neutral flight path.

About Retro:
The mid-80s was a great time. Disc Golf had just come all the way up to Latitude 64 and we played all through the night in the midnight sun. Translucent discs were far from being invented and all discs were understable with today's standards. We remember those days with nostalgic feelings and wanted a plastic that would remind us of how it used to be. For a long time, we have had requests that we should make discs that could be broken in more easily. Test after test after test led us to this new plastic blend that we have named Retro.

Product Num:
Product Numbers:
76385559-SMK, 76385559-LBL, 76385559-PNK, 76385559-GRN, 76385559-PRP, 76384549-SMK, 76384549-LBL, 76384549-PNK, 76384549-GRN, 76384549-PRP
Latitude 64 Retro Burst Ruby Putter Disc Reviews
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