Shot! Darts Koi Carbon Shaft with Spring
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Manufacturer: Shot! Darts

Koi Carbon Shaft with Spring

Shot Koi Dart Stems

Designed with a two-pointed taper to ensure the shaft is durable where it needs to be, right up to the point where it meets the dart flight. Multiple filets work together at the tip to help locate the flight-while reducing deflection and limiting breakages and chamfered cuts at an optimal depth ensure dart flights fit securely and sit flush inside the dart shaft.

SM3703-S 35mm
SM3703-I 41mm
SM3703-M 48mm

  • CRAFTED FROM TOUGH CARBON COMPOSITE - The Shot Koi Carbon dart stems are precision made for strength, yet featherlight to use. For use on steel tip darts and soft plastic tip darts.
  • DESIGNED WITH ADDED DURABILITY - Shot Koi dart stems are designed with a two-pointed taper to ensure the shaft is durable where it needs to be, right up to the point where it meets the dart flight.
  • ULTRA SECURE FIT - Chamfered cuts at an optimal depth ensure dart flights fit securely and sit flush inside the dart shaft. Multiple filets work together at the tip to help locate the flight-while reducing deflection and limiting breakages.
  • ELIMINATE ROBIN HOODS - The included premium spring-ring grips the dart flight firmly to the dart shaft, meaning less chance of Robin Hoods and damaged dart flights.

Sold in sets of 3.

Measurement: Does not include thread.

Short, Medium and Inbetween.

Product Num:
Product Numbers:
SM3703/S, SM3703/M, SM3703/I
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