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Viper ION Illuminated Dartboard
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Manufacturer: GLD Products

Viper Ion Illuminated Electronic Dartboard, 15.5" Regulation Target

  • The New Viper ION Illuminated Electronic Dartboard
  • Bring to light an entire new dimension of dart games with the Viper ION Illuminated Dartboard! This innovative new dartboard features extra bright LED lights that shine through the segments for enhanced game play, including exclusive games that rely on the new ION Light System. The ION features a 15.5â€? target face constructed from translucent Target Tested Tough Nylon for upgraded durability. With 48 games and 315 variations, you’ll find yourself exploring new ways to play. No one needs to sit on the sidelines during dart night, as the Viper ION supports up to 8 player games with various team combinations. You can get the darts flying right out of the box with six included starter darts, mounting hardware and game manual.
  • • Illuminated dartboard segments provide a fresh and invigorating dartingexperience with brand new games while enhancing classic favorites.
  • • Includes 48 games with 315 variations for tons of ways to play, including17 exclusive light-based games with optional moving target games.
  • • Target-Tested Tough segments stand up to heavy use and withstand yourtoughest throws again and again.
  • • Up to 8-player multiplayer ensures that everyone can play and enjoy atthe same time or play against a cyber player.
  • • Includes 6 starter darts, extra tips, game instruction manual andmounting instructions.
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