Fat Cat Mahogany 8 Cue 2-Piece Wall Cue Rack 52-0103
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Manufacturer: GLD Products

Fat Cat Mahogany 8 Cue 2-Piece Wall Cue Rack

Keep your game room free from clutter and store your cues in a safe space with the Fat Cat Wall Mounted Cue Rack. Cues are precision tools in the game of billiards and need to stored and treated as such. This cue rack keeps your cue sticks elevated and isolated - they won’t get in anyone’s way to risk damage. This small form cue rack sits nicely out of the way on any wall near your pool table, so your cues can be ready for action. With a classic finish, this will fit in nicely with any decor. Up to eight cues fit in this essential piece of furniture - a whole collection! Included are a set of easy to use mounting hardware.

  • Fashioned from solid wood with a classic finish that highlights matching furniture.
  • Space-saving wall mounted design allows your game room to be arranged in the manner most pleasing to you.
  • Holds up to eight cues, so everyone can store their cue.
  • Includes easy to use wall mounting hardware.
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    • Reviewed By: James Feb 12, 2013
    • Rating: Ranking 1Ranking 2Ranking 3Ranking 4 Ranking 4
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